Friday, August 28, 2009

Wrap-up of Holiday week

The last 2 days of holiday week...

What a rushed day. Seriously, I have very little time to kill these days. I got up at 11:15 (ja ja ja), decided impromptu to do Begijnendijk before riding to Tijl's parents, so quickly had breakfast and left home at 12:15. Popped back briefly at 14:30 for some warm stuff and then left for Hoeilaart. Tijl left out it was a hilly area with no cycling paths, so at times I had a string of trucks and cars behind me - all very patient I must add.

We had a lovely South-African / Belgium evening, you decide: KWV Roodeberg, South African Chenin Blanc, Boerewors, Steak and Jupiter beer that tasted like Castle. The only Belgian thing was the young Gouda and some radish/cabbage veggie. It was a lovely evening - thanks Tijl - and I got home at 21:30. The journey home was a difficult one as the wines and beer churned around my stomach making for some awkward moments. I couldn't say no to Belgian hospitality...

Ok, I messed up with the location of today's race and it was further than expected, hence taking the day off. I made good use of it I can tell you...

I got up at 9 to get to the bike shop an hour away before the close at 12:00. Unfortunately it rained so I had to hang 10 until the weather cleared up. Left home at 10:15, got to the shop, bought pedals, a big blade and some tires for the tandem and then continued to a coffee shop in Westerlo. A quintessential little place filled with books, the aroma of coffee and the ambiance completed by 60s music playing softly in the background. I walked in and was greeted by some people in the shop, sat down, and we all - owner, fellow townies and myself - continued with conversations about Belgium, South Africa, diamonds, Mandela, Tom Boonen, cycling, Obama, rooibos tea and philosophy. 3 hrs later I left there and rode home. What a relaxing day. Well, I was a little jittery from all the coffee after that ;)

After all the coffee it was time for some Rooibos tea. The coffee and tea gets served with a slice of lemon sponge cake. The coffee however gets served with some liqueur (occasionally with cream on the liqueur) of some sort. Interesting...

I am racing in Wallogne again in a town by the name of Saint Trond. The race finishes in Bousalle 30kms away but I managed to get a lift with 1 of the guys in the house. Race is 120km and we riding the 60kms home. Will update the blog tomorrow night.

Have a good weekend all! Some photos to make your mouth water...

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