Monday, August 24, 2009

Race #9 and #10

Race 9 - Pulderbosch

I went with Luke to this race and we decided to take the train in order to shorten the riding time to the race. It was 60kms away. With the train trip it meant we only had to ride 30kms to the race. It was a hot day, with my watch recording 30C average while riding there. I was meant to rest last week but with the long rides and the heat my body was feeling tired - no way to start a race, I did feel superficially rested though ha ha. That was until the first corner when I needed my legs to give me some power that I realised the muscles were still recovering.

The race was a bit disappointing in that when the neutral vehicle sped off after taking us around the first hairpin there was a crash in the front of the bunch on the tiniest of roads. Subsequently 10guys got away and stayed away until the end. We closed the gap down to 10s after 6 laps but then the bunch decided the race was over and by the next lap the time gap was 1:30. It remained that until the end. I had to dig deep at times and got some really good cornering training in. My legs adapted to the speed and effort and by the final straight I felt some renewed power and went for the sprint, way too far out with about 1000m to go. I quickly opened a sizeable gap but with 200m to go my legs faded. I finished in the bunch but out of prize money.

Race stats: New max HR of 191, ave 145, 42.2 ave, max 70, 2h38, 110kms

Race 10 - Ulbeek-Wambeek Cycling is a haaaaaarrrrrrrd sport

I popped over to the apartment next door to check if the guys were joining me - a guess more of a formality than really expecting them to. Indeed. they looked like zombies plonked down on the couch watching the Grand Prix. Nevermind, I'll go alone.

With 42kms to the race in 31C and headwind, it was a hard ride. I knew I wasn't going to last long but I thought 3Euros for the extra training isn't too bad a deal. It was a very fast race, wow. I guess the same average speed as the other races but they guys were seriously pumping it and I couldn't respond. I lasted 60kms before the commissar's vehicle came past - then you know it is race over. Time to tackle the long ride home.

Race stats: 31C ave 33C max, 42kph 60max

All in all, 320kms done on the weekend and now I really do have to rest. This week there aren't many races in our area, so a good opportunity to take some time off. From Friday there is a race within 20kms until when I leave a week later. So I better rest this week and then I'll be able to whack it next week.

1 comment:

  1. How time fly's when you are having fun!! It was yesterday when you left for Belgium.
    get a rest in and whack it for the last time.Keep feet in the air.
