Thursday, August 6, 2009

Friday's plans and Belgium

What they don't tell you...
Well, the longer I stay here in Belgium the more I guess I will get to know, but today (Friday) is going to be a riveting day..spring cleaning the house! No-one told me I this is part of the full time cyclist life, my word… Ha ha. Ok, so how it works is every Monday the house gets cleaned. We skipped Monday because the owners are coming Friday afternoon, so we must clean the kitchen, bathrooms, lounge, dining room, etc today.

I will do a short recovery ride today, as I think my legs need some rest after 3 long days (140km, 100km incl 60km race, 170 incl 120km race ). This weekend the races are all far away, so we will have to see what we decide on – a long training ride or a train trip to the race.

Ok, so a few days ago I said something along the lines of the Belgians being ‘different’. Well, what would Life be like if we were all the same, hell no! So I feel it is only right to explain my view of Belgians after being here for just under a week: I have never met such a soft-natured nation in my life! The South Americans come close in their friendliness, but Belgians are unreal. The harmony between Busses, Vehicles, Pedestrians and cyclists are only but one example of this nation. It was particularly evident in the racing too. Everyone from shop owners and attendants to bike riders have such a gentle nature. Wow, this is a remarkable place. The longer I stay here, the more I am falling in love with this place. I honestly don’t know why people are immigrating to Australia, please, if you want to give up on SA come to Belgium where the weather is pretty good, people braai, you can speak Afrikaans everywhere, you can have a few ponies and a cow or 2 in your back yard and the place is pretty safe!


  1. The weather is pretty good!? Did we go to the same Belgium??

  2. Hi Jaco!

    I'm the belgian boy that 'the princess' mentionend earlier. I live neer ghent (and Tielt, the other one). If you are around, let me know. And do never ever attack in the first laps ;-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
