Wednesday, August 5, 2009

First race

Updated - see race report below.

Today's my first race on Belgium soil. the description reads:
110 km - 800 EUR. - I: Café Sente-Vermaelen, Gemeentestraat 63, 3210 Linden - U: 16:30/17:45/18:00 - K: Café Sente-Vermaelen - Contact: Hubert Vermaelen, (Tel.: 0486/128262) - Extra info: 10 euro (31-50) ; 13 ronden van 8,5 km

I planned the day poorly - should have gotten up earlier and could have fitted a ride in. Oh well, I used today for updating the blog and doing some more grocery shopping.

I'll have a sleep this afternoon to ensure I'm fresh this evening. It is strange to race at 18:00 - a full 12hour shift from racing at home. I know understand the routine here:
Get up at 10:00 and have breakfast followed directly by a ride if you are racing later otherwise go back to sleep after breakfast
14:00 lunch
16:00 afternoon ride for a few hours or leave for your race
22:00 supper
24:00 to bed

I don't know how I am going to cope when I get home, ha ha ha.

An upbeat blog, let's see what I have to say tonight...

Race report...

Ok, so I got home, had some supper, stretched and it is now 23:55. See, that is why we have to get up at 10:00!!

Anycase, so my first race and a learning experience. Race entries take place inside a bar by people looking the same as CSA officials. No further explanation! Once you have breathed in enough smoke and dodged some beer spillage, paid 8EUR, you back on the bike. We were about 120 starters today. Only a handful of team vehicles lead by a police motorbike. Along the route people were picnicking - old and young.

Just before the race, I had a quick chat to Clyde who was here 3 years ago:
Clyde:just do not chase anything for the first 2 laps!!
jaco: ok
Clyde: no matter how tempted you are
Clyde: i know you

Ok, so I didn't attack and sat quietly in the group..for 400m. Then moved to the front and had lots of fun for the next 3,5 laps. Chasing down the split and attacking on the side, guttering the group all great until I thought, wow, we must have done around 80kms, nope, 30kms. Eish. The next 2 laps I sat desperately looking for shelter, real "hak en kak" scenario. This provided me with enough recovery time to launch a few attacks to bridge to the leading 12-man break. Half a lap later I was spat out the back. 1 lap of chasing and then it was over. So 6 laps out of a 13 lap race is poor going, but (here comes the excuses) I haven't raced for a VERY long time, I have been off the bike for around 3 weeks and I lost my bottle over some bumpy roads after 4 laps. Fine, stop the b1tching and get back on your bike. Rest assured, that's exactly what I am doing. 20kms to tomorrow's race in Halen followed by 15x8km laps and 20kms home. Can't wait!

116 km - 800 EUR. - I: Café ´De Markt´, Markt, 3545 Halen - U: 13:00/14:15/14:30 - K: Sporthal ´ De Koekoek´, 3545 Halen - Extra info: 15 x 8 Km

I'll add the stats from my Polar (woooo) tomorrow. For now, I need some rest. 00:15. Good night.


  1. Jaco, glad to see you have sort of settled in and managed a few rides :-)
    Leuven is where i stay each year when i go to the rock festival (Werchter). Very nice little town.
    18.00 Race start is mind blowing but i suppose they have their reasons. (Hmmm maybe not as Belgium does have a mind of its own :-) )
    Hope your first race goes well. Keep the blogs coming :-)
    Cheers Gregg

  2. dude, you should have so listened to clyde...
    that is why you popped!

  3. ja just like Clyde said just cant get to the attacks....
    but it is you can see those guys are fit and and are no pushovers...
    dont be in a huge rush to try and fit a get fit in only one training period.
    build up and get into the swing..Rome was not build in a day!

  4. Well no matter what these guys say - I think its great that you lasted 6 laps!! Proud of you my nuna!! You keep giving them a run for their money!!

  5. I don't even know why I bother...

    6 laps is good for your first race, better then my first race in Belgium... but you would've probably lasted the full 13 if you had raced sensibly... do you know how to race sensibly???
