Monday, November 7, 2011

Sitting, Sucking Toes and Supper Times

My baby is growing up so fast! Her achievements in the last month probably equal to more than that which any adult would accomplish in one year! Firstly, she has learnt to sit on her own with the occasional toppling over – although I believe some adults still have the same problem! She has also started eating solids and so we have the joy of watching her play with food in her mouth while not knowing what to do with it. We’ve started off with runny baby porridge and it’s the funniest sight to see her pushing it out of her mouth and then Jaco scoops it back in and then she pushes it out again. She hasn’t quite worked out the swallowing part. Needless to say, even though she’s on solids, she is not sleeping through the night and is still waking up once a night. We also tried butternut tonight for the first time and I think she thought it was porridge cos she pushed her mouth excitedly towards the spoon to get it into her mouth, only to find out after the 3rd spoonful that it wasn't quite the porridge she was used to. I promptly had to give up feeding her after she refused anymore.

I have been back at work for over a month now and am enjoying it thoroughly. I’m involved in a lot more high level, strategic projects and have an assistant to deal with all the daily administration. She is fantastic – almost like a mini-me! A perfectionist, hard worker and very diligent! She was the best find ever! She really takes away all the stress of the job and allows me to leave at 1pm on the dot every day. But don’t think I’ve got an easy life, ok maybe a nice life. Because from work, I rush home, jump into some cycling, running or swimming stuff and off I go training for an hour and a half! My nanny works until just after 3pm so I have time in the afternoons to myself. Its been awesome to cycle around the coast on beautiful sunny afternoons, run along the Sea Point Promenade watching the waves or take a nice, long (60 length!!) swim at the pool in the gym! I really do have a wonderful life.

My nanny, Constance, has also been the best find ever. She is so gentle with Milea and I love listening to the long conversations they have with each other all day. She really treats Milli like a little person and it seems they enjoy each other's company alot. I love coming home to find Milea give me the biggest smile ever when I walk in the door. Its great that Constance has 3 kids of her own ranging from 18years to 1 and a half years old so she's been through it all and normally gives me advice on what to do. So I'm really confident and happy to leave Milli with her as she knows more than me!

Last weekend I completed my first Triathlon in preparation for the 70.3 half iron man in East London which I've entered for next January 2012. I totally underestimated how hard it was going to be and believed I was a lot fitter! So I have alot more training to do, but its great to have a goal and something to work towards. I've never swam in a wetsuit before so that was new to me. The cycle was flat and windy and you're not allowed to slipstream so its hard work all the time. And I'm definitely not a runner so the 12 kilometers through the vineyards out in Rawsonville was agony for me! But I finished in 3 hours 51 mins and came 40th woman out of 63. Not too bad for a first attempt! It was awesome to have Jaco and Milli cheer me on and encourage me from the sidelines! I also had my best friend, Ange, down from Jo'burg to do it with me, so I got lots of helpful tips and advice.

We spent a few days away in the Pilansberg with my family recently who have timeshare up there. It was awesome to have all the aunties and uncles spending time with Milli - babysitters on tap so mom and dad could rest. We saw lots of awesome game and it was quite funny trying to get Milea to look out the windows at all the animals. She was just interested in her plastic Giraffe called Sophie!

Her newest party trick is to bring her foot up to her mouth, while she's lying on her back and suck her big tow! I cannot believe how supple she is! Probably turn into a gymnast or something. I'm not sure her toe tastes like her thumb but she seems to like it. It cracks me up every time! She now weighs 7 kilograms and mom feels every bit of it while lugging her car seat to and from the car every day. So I'm getting a nice arm workout at the same time.

Some other highlights of this last month include a very special day indeed - being surrounded by special family and friends witnessing us, as parents, dedicating Milea to the Lord! She looked just like a princess in her Christening gown - actually like a cute puffy marshmellow ;-)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Family Photoshoot

We recently had an in-studio family photoshoot which ended in tears because of too many bright lights and flashes, but we managed to get some awesome shots!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A New Chapter Begins

It has finally arrived - the day that I've dreaded for so long! Today is the day that I re-enter the corporate world and my fitmamma classes, coffee dates, playgroups, walks along the promenade and general enjoyment of life will seem a distant memory. I have gone back to work after 4 glorious months at home with my angel. If only I lived in the olden days when working women were frowned upon - I definitely think I was born in the wrong century!

So a quick update from the last couple of weeks which have been a whirlwind of adventure and fun. We spent a few weeks up in Jo'burg with my folks, using their place as a base to travel the world and beyond. Jaco was in Nigeria again for work and I spent the week in JHB catching up with friends. The following week, Jaco, Milea and I flew to Seychelles for a week as Jaco had to work on his hotel and I thought it was a great excuse for Milea and I to have a holiday by the sea! When we arrived, both Milli and I got quite a shock with the humidity - we had just come from a freezing cold Jo'burg and now we were dressed in as little clothing as possible sweating every time we stepped out of the air-con! Poor Milli had a 3 hour tantrum melt down the first morning we arrived but then she seemed to settle to island life. We were very lucky to stay in a beautiful 5 bedroomed, on-suite bathroomed house with 2 domestic workers so we didn't need to lift a finger the entire time. We had a lovely view over Anse Boileau bay and the beach was a mere 500m walk away. Milli and I enjoyed lots of walks in the sun, rain and drizzle (it is monsoon season now) as well as lots of sleeps and good quality time together. It was during one of her baths that she decided to giggle for the first time and found it quite strange to swallow salty sea water when we went swimming! Over the weekend, we drove around in our little Daihatsu 4x4 (with no seatbelts at the back, so Milli was free-wheeling in her car seat) and did a tour of the island from South to North which took us a mere 3 hours. We stopped at several beaches and enjoyed the warm sea, visited the capital, Victoria and saw Jaco's other housing project, Eden Island. The heat knocked Milli for a six and she slept most of the day without a peep.

Since Jaco had been working so hard, we took 5 days leave after the Seychelles to visit a beautiful luxury tented camp ( Black Leopard Camp ) just outside of Lydenburg. There was no electricity - only gas and solar heating - and it took an hour's 4x4 drive just to get to the camp. We were happily surprised to find a king size bed, outdoor shower and balcony overlooking a bubbling stream and looming mountain in front of us. We were the only family in the camp for the entire 4 nights so we could enjoy it all to ourselves. They are infamous for having wild leopard roaming the area so we went on game drives and spoor spotting walks to see if we could find one - unfortunately not! But we didn't care too much as we lazed around, ate to our heart's delight and were generally spoilt. It was only on our last day there that Jaco felt himself unwinding but we had to leave back for the big city. Our last week, in Jo'burg saw us visiting more friends, with Milea meeting lots of prospective boyfriends / husbands as all the boys seem to have been born up in Gauteng!

I have been blessed with a really great nanny for Milea. I found Constance via word of mouth and my sister's great networking skills. She came highly recommended by a family who are moving to PE and she has 3 children of her own. She started last week so that Milli could make friends with her and I'm happy to say that on the third day she didn't scream when she saw Constance's face. I am expressing for her every day and she even prefers formula milk so we are all on track for a successful transition back to work.

Milli is growing up so quickly and becoming more and more of a little lady! She has discovered her voice and will spend hours talking, cooing and shrieking excitedly to herself. She has also discovered her hands and reaches out for toys and plops everything straight into her mouth. She never did fancy a dummy and has found a suitable replacement - her thumb! (Much to mom's disgust). We are sitting her up against cushions and she's strong enough to hold herself up before falling like a drunken sailor onto her side. She is just the happiest, most contented baby and full of smiles. I have loved my time with her and will be lucky enough to enjoy every afternoon with her now that I'm working half day.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

9 Weeks Old... Already!

I must be the luckiest person alive. To be a mom, at home with her gorgeous daughter who is so well behaved! It has been a while since I last updated the blog but I'm too busy enjoying looking after Milea and watching her grow up. I cannot remember being so content with life! Despite what Jaco thinks, I am so busy every day and Milea and I get up to so much in the week! I have less than 2 months left of maternity leave and I'm going to really be sad when its over.

Just like her parents, Milli cannot sit still and so she drags me out every day to do stuff, really, it is all her! We have established a little routine now which we both enjoy and it goes like this:

Mondays: As soon as I hit the postnatal 6 weeks, Milli and I hit the Fitmamma's class at the gym! Little ones from crawling age down to Milli's age (she is the youngest) watch their moms do bodyconditioning, pilates or boxing classes and stare with big eyes at us thinking we are mad the way we throw ourselves around the class. But it's lots of fun though and we all end up chatting about the last poo our baby had or whatever while the poor gym instructor is trying to explain the next exercise! So in essence, I probably only end up doing half a gym class because I'm talking too much to the other moms or trying to calm Milli down when she gets bored of lying on the gym mat. Then after all our hard work, us moms head off to Knead for some lunch and take up half the restaurant with all our prams and babyseats. We now have a standing booking with the manager for monday lunch!

Tuesdays: Our church has a ladies group in the morning and its great to meet new women and hear God's Word which seriously grounds me with all the patience, kindness and mercy one requires when bringing up a child. My domestic worker comes to clean as well, so I can leave Milli with her over lunch time while I pop off to a spinning class. I am now weighing the same as I did before pregnancy although there is still a slight belly roll and love handle problem which I am dealing with :-)

Wednesdays: A new moms and babes group has started recently and so I've slotted into that. We get together each week to encourage each other and support one another in the tough situations one faces. I have discovered that alot of new moms are not very confident with their babies and they are scared to try things like introducing the dummy, bottle feeding, expressing, leaving their babies with other people etc etc. Luckily these things have been dealt with already quite easily in our household and I try to encourage other moms to be courageous!

Thursdays: Another moms and babes group is run by Christ Church in Kenilworth and they often have guest speakers to talk on issues moms may be facing. I have yet to actually get to this group but have heard such good things about it and I'm dying to go. So hopefully that will fill my Thursday mornings soon!

Fridays: Rest Day! And getting all my admin out of the way if Milea takes her naps and I get a chance to!

I am so happy to say that Milea has started sleeping through the night. Fingers crossed that 2 nights in a row means that its going to become a regular occurance. She was always a good sleeper, waking up at 3am or 4am each morning, but she seems to like her warm bed now in this cold rainy weather and has decided to hibernate for the night. After Jaco saying to me that he wishes he had breasts to feed her, I decided to express milk and he now does the 7am feed so mommy can have a lie in and sleep! So I am getting like 10 hours proper sleep all night! Wonderful!

We have been doing regular clinic visits and she has been getting all her injections. Last time they weighed her, she was 5.5kgs and 59cm in length. Seems she is rounding out very well and enjoying fat cheeks and a double chin, which is worrying dad!

We have been blessed with spontaneous smiles and cute cooing every now and then. Training her to do this on cue has proved fruitless and so we just have to enjoy the surprise smiles which she decides to give to us as she pleases!

With the clock counting down to me going back to work, I have embarked on the huge task of finding a suitable nanny to look after Milea. I'm surprised there's no central place for moms to find one besides using nanny placement agencies. It all seems to happen via word of mouth and so I'm desperately shouting it out for all to hear that I need someone from the beginning of September. After contacting a couple of duds, I have 2 possible ladies who are coming to visit me next week so that I can interview them. Hopefully my recruitment background will come in handy.....

I can't really sit on my own but I love being part of the action...

Hypnotised by my bug

I'm so chirpy in the mornings!

Quality time with dad!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Our Little Supermodel

Thanks to Katie Mayhew ( ), our beautiful Milea did a photoshoot when she was just 1 week old. And there were no super model tantrums or bad behaviour at all!

Things are going really well at home. I'm coping just fine - nothing like being plunged into the deep-end and having to make a go of iton your own. I am so much more confident in myself and have stopped listening to everyone's advice and just trust my own motherly instinct as to what's best for her. She is sleeping like a dream and I'm hoping its not going to end anytime soon. Everyone says that the first 2 weeks are the babymoon period and thereafter its mayhem! I'm hoping that she will continue to only wake up once during the night to feed so that mommy and daddy can get their rest. As you can imagine, when she wakes up, she is grumpy, angry, ferocious and super keen to get some food into her little body! I have been waking at night to attend to her and have let Jaco sleep as he is so busy at work at the moment and super stressed out. At least I can catch a few cat naps during the day should I need to, but at the moment I'm not feeling tired at all. Just VERY hungry! Goodness I have been eating non-stop and can't get enough food to satisfy my hunger - thanks to the breast feeding. My tummy is almost flat and its so nice to be able to bend over, touch my toes and shave my legs again. Just a few fat rolls round the middle to get rid off and then I'll be back to my former self! I'm not allowed to exercise formally for 6 weeks so I've been trying to do some walks every now and then to get the blood going! I can't overdo it though as its still a little uncomfortable to walk as my bandage is off and my scar is trying to heal.

Jaco is back in the Seychelles this week and so my mom is coming to visit to spoil her first grandchild to bits I'm sure!! She cannot wait to get her hands of Milea. It will be a great help having her around and I'm looking forward to getting out and about as I still cannot drive. I'm starting to get a bit of cabin fever sitting indoors every day and the Cape Town weather lately has not been great for outings! Tomorrow we go to the clinic for the second time to weigh her and see if she's growing. Everyone tells me that she's changing by the day, but of course I don't notice it as much. I look at her through love-tainted eyes only!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Life and Times with our Kitty Kat

It has been nearly 2 weeks and yet it already feels like a lifetime since the 3 of us all met each other and started getting used to living together as one big (happy) family! It really has been overwhelming and there is so much to do in looking after a baby that you don't really get a chance to look after yourself (which is also as important I've found out!) I suppose that's why we have husbands, friends and family to help you do that part......which always comes second to the newest arrival in the family. We have received such fantastic support from so many people who have been so generous in terms of gifts, cooking meals, shopping, giving much needed advice, lending us baby equipment and spending time with our little Milea. We are just so blessed - thank you everyone!

So I'd better start at the beginning then.......(and for those who weren't able to follow on Twitter)

The Labour
It was Tuesday 24 May and I'd started off on a good foot - going to the gym as pregnant as can be and sweating it out on the treadmill for 40 minutes. Ok, I was hardly sweating as I could barely manage a brisk walk, but nevertheless, I felt I did a good workout and hoped that all my walking had jiggled her down a bit further so that labour would happen in the near future. Jaco also made a booking at a new Indian restaurant in town to feed me more curry. Well, little did I know that it would happen sooner than I thought - that evening in fact! I was rather enjoying a late afternoon nap when suddenly I felt a warm gush between my legs! I jumped out of bed thinking I'd wet my bed or something, only to find that my waters had broke. I didn't actually know if it was that, but after it happening several more times and having to confine myself to sitting on the toilet for long periods, I thought this is it! I frantically BBM'ed Jaco who told me to wait for a bit cos he was busy and couldn't call me. I told him 'THIS CANNOT WAIT - YOUR DAUGHTER IS COMING NOW!' which seemed to catch his attention but he thought I was joking with him. We called the gynae and the hospital to let them know that we were coming in and then proceeded to chill for about 2 hours to let the traffic from town into the Southern Suburbs die down. In this time, we had dinner together, packed the last bits and pieces for the hospital, had a few gulps of OBs (Jaco) and even managed to have a nice relaxing chat with our neighbours. No rush at all.....

Upon getting to the hospital, my pants were now thoroughly wet from more waters breaking - which I would have to get used to as this continued all night long. Where did all the liquid come from?? They hooked me up to the CTG machine to monitor mine and the baby's heartrate. All good and no contractions yet. They decided to admit me into the ante-natal ward and sent Jaco home for the evening. So was that it???? I thought labour was hectic, screaming, pain, frenzied.....this all seemed pretty civilised! From about midnight onwards, the contractions started - bad period pain-like feeling which lasted only for about 15 seconds - nothing major. I tried to get some sleep in between these contractions, which were about 10 minutes apart. They were short power naps where I'd even end up dreaming!! I walked through to the nurses station at about 3am as I was hungry and wanted to order room service. I told her about the contractions and she decided it was time to go into the labour ward just in case. Yah - a big room all to myself with my own bath tub, and toilet. I tried to sleep until 6am when I knew Jaco would be returning to the hospital.

The contractions carried on all morning, still 10 minutes apart, yet increasing with severity and pain. Jaco was a superstar and ran around to please my every frantic gesture to massage my back, hold my hand, or provide a body part to squeeze when the contractions hit. Otherwise, he quietly kept feeding me, watering me and working on his laptop in the meantime. I even got fed some Speculoos (Belgian speciality)! The gynae visited every 4 hours only to give us disappointing news each time. First time she said I was only 1 cm dilated, then by 10am I was only 2 cms and by lunch time I was only 4cms. Things were progressing far too slowly for her and I was almost crying I was in so much pain each time a contraction hit me. She advised me to have an epidural if I was already suffering so much at this point and also suggested that I get hooked up onto a drip containing a labour inducing hormone. I gladly accepted both at this point.

Shortly thereafter, the anaethetist rushed into the room, all stressed out cos he heard I needed an epidural urgently - it wasn't that bad but I welcomed him with open arms none the less. No pain at all while the needle went into my spine and when they hooked me up onto the drip. I didn't even feel the catheter being inserted. Just all of a sudden, my legs became a sack of heavy potatoes and I couldn't even wiggle my toes! It was wonderful watching the machine showing that I had a contraction but not being able to feel a thing!! And what a wonder are catheters??!! No need to get up and go to the loo - its all done for you! Think we should adopt this into everyday life.....

However, by 6pm that evening (24 hours after my waters breaking) the gynae was getting really concerned that this labour wasn't progressing and that I was still only 4cms dilated. She told me that a Caesarian Section was going to have to take place as there was obviously something wrong. I had about 10 minutes to process this information and prepare myself for this operation which I never thought I'd have to go through. Amongst tears and discussing with Jaco, we agreed to go ahead. Out little girl would be arriving soon!

The Caesarian
Jaco was all dolled up in his scrubs and looked quite sexy, I must admit. I wasn't sure why I was crying and so emotional but Jaco did his best to calm me down and get me to relax. By this time, I was shaking all over - a consequence of the drugs in my body. All the surgeons were very chilled, making jokes, taking photo's of us and chatting about arb stuff. Seemed like they did this every day and it wasn't such a biggie. I was wheeled into the operating room which had huge lights above my body and then shoved from one bed onto the operating table. They put up the screen so that I couldn't see what was happening down there and did the 'cold' test on me-spraying some freezing cold stuff onto my skin, asking if I could feel it. I only had sensation from chest upwards which was good and this meant they could start the procedure.

I thought Jaco would be very grossed out from watching the operation take place, but he got involved and managed to snap lots of pics of them cutting me open and pulling her out. He was quite amazed at the precision with which they worked and how clean and tidy their work was. Within 10 minutes I heard her miaow-like cry and Jaco went to the weighing table to console her and hold her tiny little hand. By the time they put her naked warm body on my chest, I was actually so out of it from the drugs, that I didn't really know what was going on and don't think I fully appreciated that special first bonding moment.

After that I drifted in and out of consciousness and Jaco took the baby from me so that I could fall into a deep slumber. Milea Dara Cronje was born at 18:45pm on 25th May - her exact due date! Spectacular timing!

The Recovery
The next 24 hours were a blur for me. I was able to manage the pain myself by pumping morphine into my body whenever I needed to (there was a 7 minute delay so no overdosing unfortunately...) Initially I was scared to overdo it but in the end I was happily pumping every second I could. I woke up with night sweats and wasn't able to hold a full conversation as I'd fall asleep mid sentence. I also felt a bit nauseous and had a few gagging sessions but luckily my tummy was empty so there were no mishaps. I was so happy to have Jaco looking after me and to be able to hold my baby girl. It was awesome to see her sucking on my breast, all content and happy. I was very against Caesars initially but have decided they are not that bad and the pain is totally manageable (a Voltaren suppository in the morning and Myprodals every 6 hours). It was quite tricky trying to sit up to eat or breastfeed as I suddenly had no stomach muscles - I had to rely on the nurses or Jaco to lift my bed up. Jaco was such a star the day after the Caesar and he never left my side. He did everything for me from feeding me, to making sure I was comfortable, and looking after Milea. He is such a proud dad and just loves her so much. He got stuck in with changing nappies and burping from the word go - even before I could face up to these tasks. I was stuck in bed for 24 hours and then made to get up and walk around on Thursday evening. The catheter, drip and morphine were taken out of my body and the nurses forced me out of bed. I felt like a little old lady shuffling slowly along the floor as I was quite stiff. Even coughing or blowing my nose was impossible as I discovered you need stomach muscles for these simple bodily functions which one takes for granted.

My Precious Baby
I am in love! She is just so cute and cuddly! And I love her cry - sounds just like a high pitched kitty kat miaow. In the hospital I could distinguish her cry from all the other babies' cries. Iwas a bit overwhelmed at the thought that we were totally responsible for her life now and that she was totally dependent on us for everything. Unfortunately, due to the prolonged labour, she had some kind of blood infection which meant she needed very painful antibiotic injections in both her legs for the 3 days that she was in hospital. And boy did she SCREAM when they did this! She also had lots of brown freckle-type marks on her face and chest from the infection and red mosquito-like dots on her body due to hormonal levels. So she didn't look the prettiest from the beginning. Thankfully the infection has cleared up now and only left her with some thrush on her bum which we are treating. I would often sit in my bed just staring at my little girl while she quietly slept in the crib next to my bed. She mastered the breastfeeding latch almost immediately and drank like a demon. She didn't like to feed for very long on each breast but by the time she had left the hospital, she had already picked up 45grams.

We were discharged from hospital on Saturday, 3 days after she was born, with a boot full of flowers, vases, luggage and of course our precious cargo. Jaco had to drive very slowly as I could feel every little bump in the road! Upon arriving home, I was so surprised to find my best friend, Angie and her 11month old boy, Tao, here visiting for the weekend from Jo'burg. I suddenly became so emotional and burst into tears! Everyone was talking about the fact that I would become very emotional after having a baby, but I didn't really know what they meant! I mean, what was there to be emotional about !!?? But for the next 2 days, I cried several times about silly little things and knew exactly what they meant ;-). It was great having Angie there to help me, give advice, manage my engorged breasts and do all the girlie things that husbands don't really want to get involved in. She made our coming home just so much easier.

Some photo's of my baby:

I just love bathtime with my daddy!