Monday, April 11, 2011

Waiting for her Grand Entrance

So it really feels like the end is in sight. After 34 weeks, things are starting to get real for us. We finished our 8 week antenatal classes 2 weeks ago and already one of the couples in our class have had their baby (via a traumatic natural birth I might add where the baby stopped breathing and had to be resuscitated!). Also, a very good friend of mine, Faye Blakeney, had her baby boy last week, who arrived 1 week early. So we are waiting in line patiently for the big day to arrive with anticipation. With all these new arrivals, we’ve had renewed energy to see to it that all the last minute preparations get done. First step was to start thinking about packing the hospital bag. So I’ve got a suitcase out the garage and that’s as far as its gone! I’ll have to work on actually doing that in the next few weeks as Jaco is paranoid he’ll have to do it for me after a surprise admittal to the maternity ward. Second step was to finally convert the baby’s room from storage dumping / bicycle room/ home where tools live / second walk in cupboard, to a beautiful palace fit for a princess. So we got stuck in this last weekend after many discussions and heated debates about colours, furniture positionings and what to buy. That’s what I love about Jaco - he is always involved. Maybe in this case a little too involved, but it was great doing the room up together. We are just missing the wallart (, some cushions, linen for the cot and a feeding chair. Eventually, after so many weekends of driving here and there looking for things, comparing prices, getting items changed, we finally have pulled it all together. So if baby arrives, then she could quite comfortably move in without any problems.

I have to admit that I’ve had the easiest pregnancy so far and feeling really well at the moment. Sleeping has become a little uncomfortable as your pelvis and hip bones get really stiff and sore since you’re not able to sleep on your back (which is my favourite position!). So I feel like a big whale tossing and turning in bed in order to find a comfortable position. Poor Jaco is already threatening going to sleep in BC’s room because he says there’s not enough space in the bed for all 3 of us! Standing for long periods of time, causes back ache and exhaustion and how I miss being able to bend over and touch my toes easily. This poses serious logistical problems when it comes to shaving legs in the shower as you have to bring everything up to waist level in order to reach it well. Not the easiest job – perhaps I should just give up shaving! It’s nearly winter anyway! My heartburn comes and goes. I have a stash of Gaviscon with me wherever I go despite it tasting like swallowing creamy toothpaste, and so I'm still to really start using it. I prefer to just push through the pain and uncomfortableness. Hopefully this mentality will get me through a natural birth! I decided last weekend to do a final bicycle ride on the road with Jaco. It’s a bit dangerous now to be riding out on the road because I need to watch my heartrate (nothing higher than 155 beats p/minute) which means that I cannot keep up with anyone that I cycle with. Ultimately, I land up on my own taking it easy and enjoying the view. But there is always the risk of falling or being hit by a car. Also, I felt like a waddling duck trying to push the pedals round as my knees stuck out like one of those old men with a big beer boep! So I have sadly hung my bike back in the garage for a few months and spinning classes are now the order of the day. Jaco is trying to get as many hours out of the bike as possible and cycles before work often to make up for the times possibly in the near future when he’ll be out of action. He is also travelling with work a lot and will be in the Seychelles and Nigeria in the next couple of weeks. So he’s told me to ‘knyp’ and not let baby out before then!

We haven’t been to the gynae in ages and our next appointment is coming up soon so we’ll get to see if BC is growing normally and lying in the right position. We'll keep you updated!