Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bonding with BC

The number of weeks now matches my age: 32. All is going very well and I’m loving all the somersaults and flick-flacks she is doing in my stomach – especially when she’s hungry or thinks its time for me to eat something again. Jaco says I’m teaching her bad habits already because through my eating something, she normally calms down and the kicking ends. He thinks she’s already mastered the skill of on-demand feeding from her mom. Mmmmm the manipulation has started already. Strangely enough, my tummy seems to be bulging bigger on the one side so I presume her bum or head is situated here – so I have more of a lob-sided tummy now! Last weekend, we travelled up to Knysna for Rob and Mary’s wedding and it was a real treat to be in such a beautiful place! We stayed in a wooden cabin high above the forest tree tops and had the most amazing view from up there. All our friends took their bicycles with them so they could ride in the mornings and enjoy the beautiful scenery, so I felt a little left out without mine. But I decided to relax, sleep in and help them empty out the fridge as though I had been cycling! The day of the wedding turned out to be a whopping 35 degrees! I had to make sure I wasn’t roasting BC alive with several dips in the pool to cool down. I have to admit that I was very reluctant to put on my wedding outfit as I would break into a sweat almost immediately. Jaco solved the problem by freezing bottles of water and using them as ice-packs for behind my neck throughout the wedding ceremony! I’m very impressed with how he is getting involved with the baby even before she has been born. Usually dads find it quite hard to ‘bond’ with the baby and get used to the idea (besides all the paying for baby stuff), but he has taken to the idea like a duck in water. Every morning and evening before getting up or going to sleep, he leans over and puts his head on my tummy and starts speaking Afrikaans to her. She recognises his voice and starts kicking the side of his cheek lying on my stomach. It’s so cute! I have to laugh when he starts singing to her and making up the words to the songs. We are definitely going to have to polish up on our nursery rhymes! I’m hoping BC’s palace will be advancing in progress this week, when Jaco fetches her cot and compactum which we ordered several weeks ago. We have also ordered some wallart stickers as we cannot paint her room due to us renting. We thought it would be a great idea to have some words custom made from wood which we’ll put on her walls, reminding us of all the positive things we should be speaking into her life. So we have a carpenter making up the words of love, grace, honesty, integrity, gift etc etc. My gran has also offered to make up some cushion covers from Biggie Best fabric which I’ve bought and these will decorate the spare bed in her room. So I feel like a real old decorator and cannot wait to see it all done and dusted. We recently heard an interesting theory (and which we’ve tested in practice): generally the way one gives birth mirrors that of how your mother gave birth to you or your siblings. My parents were down in Cape Town recently and it was great to chat to my mom and find out what happened to her during my birth. I was surprised to learn that both my brother and I were 3 weeks early to the day! This means we should be expecting BC at the beginning of May as opposed to the end of May! I’m a bit worried about that as my next babyshower in Cape Town is planned for around that time. So let’s see if the theory turns out to be true….anyone willing to bet on it?

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