Saturday, April 30, 2011

Taking it Easy in Barrydale

So you are probably asking, where in the world is Barrydale?? We decided to take a little 4 day break in Barrydale which is about 250kms outside of Cape Town on the way to Oudtshoorn. Yes, basically in the middle of no-where! But that was the point! We needed to get away from the city, from TV, from shopping centres, from noise and general "busy-iness". So we found this little self-catering cottage with 2 beds, a small kitchen, a table and 2 chairs, a bathroom and a cute little stoep overlooking some vineyards and mountains and there we plonked ourselves for a few days to rest, eat and find out if we could pass time doing nothing!

Well it wasn't such a challenge I tell you with our days being filled with outings down to the local dorp, making food, eating food, reading baby books and newspapers, picnicing and having the bestest afternoon sleeps ever! Jaco did however bring his bike with him and got in some good 5 hour rides on some of the days which left me to me to amuse myself with doing lots of nothing! It was fabulous and I feel totally rested, relaxed and ready for my last 2 weeks at work before my maternity leave starts.

The primary reason of course for our Romantic Getaway was to ensure baba was given the ultimate chance to grow, develop and put on some weight before the next gynae visit. So it was Jaco's mission to feed me with as much protein as he could within this short space of time and ensure that my tummy was always full for baba to feed on! Let's hope she is having a whale of a time cos mommy is feeling a bit like a whale with suddenly having to eat so much!

We thought it would be the perfect opportunity to take a few pics of the preggi belly before its too late and the missy pops out by surprise. Despite her official due date being the 25th May, the weekend of the 14th/15th May seems to be coming up alot in dreams that my family and I have been having! Let's wait and see...

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