Tuesday, April 26, 2011

1 Month to Go Instructions: Rest and Eat!

It is with much excitement and anticipation that I write my blog. Yesterday it was one month until the predicted arrival of BC! Basically, she could come any day now. Wow, how scary is that!! To think of all the things I need or would like to do before then. I’ve had some sleepless nights about all the work I need to finish at the office before my maternity leave which starts on 17 May – 1 week before her due date. Thankfully, however, I have this week off to rest as much as possible – but you know how this Cronje family is? We just don’t know what resting means and we don’t know how to do nothing!

Please note this is before a spinning class at 7am, hence the tired look!

Frost & Sullivan agreed to me coming back to work in September on a half day basis! Amazing news as I was expecting them to turn down my request straight away as no-one else in the company works only half a day. But to my surprise they agreed and asked me to assist them with recruiting a full time junior assistant to help me! So this is one of the tasks I need to complete before maternity leave and I’m dreading going through the hundreds of CVs I’ve received so far!

After 7 weeks of not seeing the gynae, we finally went this morning. I was very keen on seeing her sooner than this but with her taking leave and Jaco’s work commitments in Seychelles and Nigeria, today was the first available appointment. I was excited to see how she had grown and whether she was lying in the right position for a natural birth. Well, we weren’t expecting to hear that she is relatively small for her ‘age’ at only 2kgs. So in 7 weeks, she’s only gained 800grams. My belly measures 32cms and by now at 36 weeks, should measure about 35cms. The gynae said there is nothing to worry about at the moment, but she’d rather have me go for a growth scan next week to see baba’s progress. I was given strict instructions to stop all my spinning classes and exercising and to concentrate on relaxing and eating lots of chocolate this week. Yes, she REALLY did say that, much to Jaco’s astonishment! Basically I just need to rest, put my feet up and start eating lots more protein and carbohydrates. This doesn’t sound too bad to me. In fact, our timing of going away to a cottage in Barrydale (250kms outside of Cape Town past Swellendam) for a couple of days, is perfect. So I’m going to relax, read and eat to my heart’s content! The extra weight I’ve gained since first falling pregnant is still only sitting at 8kgs, although my body fat has slightly increased over the past few weeks. I’m attributing small baba to a small father. Let’s hope we have more positive news next week after the Thursday growth scan!

Yum! Chocolate Brownie time with no guilty feelings...

With the cold Cape Town weather setting in, I’m struggling to find warm clothes that fit over my belly – gone are the days of lovely summer dresses. Also, my belly button has finally popped out and I’m lubing my tummy like mad to prevent stretch marks: permanent disfigurement! Popped-out belly buttons is the thing I’ve always disliked about pregnant women! I’m definitely not the one to show mine off with pride. Sleeping is becoming heavy work….. literally, as I turn from side to side like a big fat hippo with lots of grunting noises due to the weight I’m shifting around. Many people have commented on how tired I look which is due to restless nights and waking up every couple of hours or so from sore hips & pelvis! Its good training for the sleepless night we’re going to be having soon!

As we have so many family and friends outside of Cape Town and South Africa for that matter, we’ve decided to tweet about the birth of BC! So please start following JacoCron on Twitter as he’ll keep everyone up to date with all the highlights, lowlights, agonies and elations after I go into labour! I’ll get him to limit the graphics posted, don’t worry!

My lovely rocking feeding chair arrived last weekend!

The wall art is up but missing a few butterflies. My next job over the next couple of days.

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