Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Introducing Cuan Jay Cronje

Our second bundle of joy arrived on the 12th of the 12th 2012 at 12 minutes to 12 as planned. So the little guy with the cool Identity Number (121212......) even managed to make his appearance at 12 minutes to 12pm on the day. My elective Caesar was actually scheduled for 11am but the gynae happened to be late and the anaesthetist went to the wrong hospital so we successfully achieved all the twelves in one day....only to be told later by my gran that this was her 12th grandchild. So there must be something in the numbers!

The big man seemed to have permanently made his home inside my womb as the doctors struggled to pull him out. The operation was very physical as I felt them having to tug, pull and push to get him out and eventually the doctors had to use forceps (we have the video if anyone is up for watching it!). And what a big boy he was at 3.5kgs! He reminded me of what Milli looked like when she was just born -my brother commented that he was a “Milli with a willy”. The only distinct difference was his mop of ginger hair! So you can imagine how Jaco is wondering whether this really is his son! We reckon the ginger hair is from my mom’s side of the family and anyway, I think it suits his Irish name! (pronounced like the letter ‘Q’ with an ‘an’ on the end). I was in a lot of pain following the birth with sore ribs, lungs and shoulders and all the reasons not to have another baby freshly came to mind. My 3 days in the hospital were so welcome after such a busy time with the house and prepping for the baby. Milli and Jaco came to visit every day and she ran around the maternity ward like it was a new playground. It was great to have my family down from Jo’burg to spend Christmas with us so there were plenty hands to help and babysit.

Cuan is doing well and growing like a monster. At 4 weeks he weighs half of what Milea weighs at 20
months! This must be due to mommy’s breastmilk and the formula which I decided to feed him as he is always so hungry. He seems to have an insatiable hunger! Maybe he was doing a lot of exercise in my womb and I need to cut him some slack. Having said that, he sleeps wonderfully at night after his bottle and has even gone for 7.5hours at a time! So mom and dad are getting enough rest. Milea has taken well to him and wants to be involved in changing his nappy and helping to burp him. Sometimes she needs to be shown the difference between a loving pat and a hard smack, but we’re getting there slowly. She has also decided that she needs to rally for attention amongst the troops with mock crying, whining and fake coughing. (I think she is going to be a little actress). Her favourite word is ‘uppie’ now so that she can be picked up and held like Cuan is by mom. Why should one sibling get all the love and attention and she not???

2013 has already started off with a bang. Jaco has found a new opportunity at another engineering company where he will be more involved in the business development side of the business rather than purely doing engineering work. He is very excited to be starting there in February after 4.5 years at his current company. He has also made his cycling debut once again (since the 2012 Argus which was the last time he rode his bike) and has started training. The house is coming on with our kitchen about 95% finished. We’ve started tackling the garden – people say they love how our garden is so ‘established’ but it’s just darn right overgrown in fact! I have to laugh when I see Jaco cutting down branches and cutting back bushes as it seems like he’s fighting with all the plants. I am so lucky to be married to the DIY guy, garden boy, best dad, cyclist, ingenious engineer and my best friend all rolled into one! (brownie points please!!).

I’m back at work in March and trying to enjoy my maternity leave amongst all the admin I seem to be doing everyday like applying for passports, opening bank accounts, collecting stuff for the house, doctor’s and clinic appointments as well as a week-long trip up to Jo’burg also thrown into the mix! And ‘some’ people think I sit around and drink tea all day.........I wish! The life of a mom is not the most glamorous with remnants of vomit on your shoulder, greasy hair because you barely have time to shower and mismatching clothes as you just throw on whatever is in your cupboard at the time. And I am writing this at 5am as Cuan doesn’t want to sleep… It can only get better I say!

Happy New Year to All of you!

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