Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Stepping out in Style at 15 Weeks

Things are going well with BC (Baby Cronje’tjie) although I feel a bit like a parasite is feeding off of me and that my body is not really mine anymore. I have been suffering from intense tiredness and exhausting lately so weekends are just bliss when I can do as little as possible and able to spend more time in bed than out of it. I cannot believe I’m needing so much rest, but I suppose I need to take advantage of it now because soon I will be getting very little!

My dilemma these last 2 weeks was what to wear for a wedding and a black tie dinner at the Hilton Hotel. My tummy is not as flat as it used to be (as if I used to have one!!) but a little “fat” bump is showing which people could easily mistake as me needing more exercise and not so much eating. So the only thing to do was to try on every dress in my wardrobe and have Jaco act as the deciding fashionista on what I would be wearing to both occasions. So as you can see from the photo’s below, some are not so flattering, some really emphasise the fact that I cannot stand up straight and some highlight just how big the fat bump is looking! Since we’re coming up to our wedding anniversary on 8th December, I also had to take part in the traditional annual event of trying on my wedding dress. It has always been one of Jaco’s proviso’s that I fit into my wedding dress every year otherwise there is trouble! So I was interested to see if I still made the cut this year while carrying BC around. However I think we need to include a clause about the fact that pregnancy disqualifies any of the results! But I was very proud to have slipped in to the dress easily even thought the boobs were slipping very easily out of the dress. Well you cannot have it all I told him!! He should be happy in anycase!

So from the 10 dresses I tried on, 2 were chosen as suitable and one slinky red number was bordering on a bit too sexy for a preggie lady! But the judge’s decision was final and everyone was happy.

So I’m 15 weeks pregnant this week with signs of the evening sickness abating but the tiredness increasing. While BC’s eyebrows and hair on its head are starting to grow in the womb, mom has decided to chop her hair off in preparation for the much awaited summer, which I suspect I’ll be waiting a little longer for. BC’s tastebuds have also developed and may be able to taste all the food I’ve been eating which luckily has not been too much chocolate or sweeties but rather salads, fruit and smoothies. Although, I have had the strangest need for salt & vinegar chips and Dorito’s lately……Apparently my heart is pumping 20% more blood around my body to supply BC with oxygen and this will increase to up to 30 – 50% output. Wow, preggie ladies must be the blood bank’s dreams! Although I am not the best with needles and so I’ll be enjoying all the blood I have thanks.

I have been really spoilt with friends giving me lullaby CD’s, name books, preggie clothes, magazines and bottle sterilisers! We still have an empty baby/bike room at the moment so any (baby) furniture will be welcome! We in the market for a running pram and any other related items those past baby days would like to dispose of. We have not even thought about any decorating yet as I’m still trying to convince my hubby to hang the bikes in the garage….which is taking some slow sweet-talking, but I have another 176 days to convince him!

Jaco celebrating Movember in style!

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