Monday, November 8, 2010

My First Trimester Almost Complete

So here I am sitting in a coffee shop writing my blog drinking a red cuppachino while Jaco is across the road at the Brass Bell for a mate’s bachelor’s party! How the times have changed! We seemed to have skipped up a level to a generation which is dominated by going to bed early, worrying about how we are going to afford another addition to the family and learning to be responsible parents. In contrast, all our friends seem to be staying out late, not worrying about affording anything and thinking that being irresponsible is fun! Ok so maybe I’m showing my age a little bit here…..but it’s still interesting to note how life has changed within a couple of short weeks.

Speaking of which, I’m 12 weeks today, and nearly at the end of my first trimester. Amazing that I am already one third of the way there! My tummy is slightly growing and I currently fall into the looking fat category while at the same time experiencing lots of other sudden changes. For example: where does the dry skin behind my ears come from??!? Why can I not tolerate the smell of brewing coffee or grilled chops? I crave foods which keep me full for longer than 2 hours like Taystee Wheat Porridge and Spaghetti. A strange (but good) desire for all sorts of fruit, so much so, that I was really wanting a fruit smoothie so badly the other day that I made Jaco go out and buy a new smoothie maker because ours had broken. Mmmm banana milkshakes, honey and muesli are my staple breakfast diet at the moment. Also I live for the weekend when after waking up, 2 hours later I’m back in bed feeling totally exhausted and then sleeping for another 3 and a half hours! I am still feeling nauseous in the afternoons and evenings which is such a pain because after work we always seem to be seeing people or going out for dinner. So putting on a brave face is the order of the day when bed and sleep seem like the only things that make me feel better. But we really do need to slow down as having something on every night after work is not conducive to pregnant ladies!! (or a supportive husband who has to put up with a grumpy tired pregnant wife afterwards!).

Last weekend I mentioned to Jaco that the Baby Expo was on in Cape Town which to my surprise got his attention. So it was more a case of him dragging me along to the expo than the other way around but he wanted to know what he was in for with this whole baby thing! I think he got quite a shock when he saw all the heavily pregnant ladies, millions of prams and trillions of small kiddies around! We walked around with big wide eyes collecting all the brochures and listening to all the salesmen giving us their sales talks about toilet training seats, nappies that you don’t throw away but just replace the inside padding, breastfeeding pumps et al. Jaco’s favourite were the prams, car seats and sleeper cots that must have been designed by an engineer cos they are so aerodynamic, lightweight, safe, blah blah blah……By this stage I just needed food and to sit down!! We did end up buying a few bits and bobs but anyone could get carried away in there and buy totally unnecessary stuff that looks good and sounds good but you don’t really need!

By now baba has grown to 6cm and weighs about 18 grams. Its toes and fingers have grown completely, and hair follicles and tear ducts have now formed. The brain is fully formed and baby can feel pain. It is starting to open and close its mouth and can even suck its thumb! The baby is starting to swallow amniotic fluid and waste products are transferred to my blood stream through the placenta which explains my constant need for the toilet!

Thank you to Ange and Cobi for our first set of baby clothes!

We are having another scan next Friday with our new gynae at Kingsbury Hospital in Claremont because that is my hospital of choice for delivery. It is right opposite my sister’s flat which is where I’ll be camping out when I’m close to my due date (25th May 2011) so I can just waddle across to pop it out quickly! This will be my first woman gynae so hope it’s not weird ;-)

News on the cycling front is that I am not doing any! I have yet to hit the road in over 2 months! But I am trying to motivate myself to do at least 2 indoor training sessions in the week before work to keep my slim and trim figure (ha ha whatever). My husband on the other hand has been doing some great cycling, despite being plagued by a constant knee injury. His team won 2 of the league races and came 2nd in 3 of them (out of a total of 6 races). He has yet to start training as his knee ideally needs a few more months rest so the beginning of 2011 will see his penultimate stage of his cycling career before the next Tour de France winner arrives on the scene in May.

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