Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Our Little Supermodel

Thanks to Katie Mayhew ( ), our beautiful Milea did a photoshoot when she was just 1 week old. And there were no super model tantrums or bad behaviour at all!

Things are going really well at home. I'm coping just fine - nothing like being plunged into the deep-end and having to make a go of iton your own. I am so much more confident in myself and have stopped listening to everyone's advice and just trust my own motherly instinct as to what's best for her. She is sleeping like a dream and I'm hoping its not going to end anytime soon. Everyone says that the first 2 weeks are the babymoon period and thereafter its mayhem! I'm hoping that she will continue to only wake up once during the night to feed so that mommy and daddy can get their rest. As you can imagine, when she wakes up, she is grumpy, angry, ferocious and super keen to get some food into her little body! I have been waking at night to attend to her and have let Jaco sleep as he is so busy at work at the moment and super stressed out. At least I can catch a few cat naps during the day should I need to, but at the moment I'm not feeling tired at all. Just VERY hungry! Goodness I have been eating non-stop and can't get enough food to satisfy my hunger - thanks to the breast feeding. My tummy is almost flat and its so nice to be able to bend over, touch my toes and shave my legs again. Just a few fat rolls round the middle to get rid off and then I'll be back to my former self! I'm not allowed to exercise formally for 6 weeks so I've been trying to do some walks every now and then to get the blood going! I can't overdo it though as its still a little uncomfortable to walk as my bandage is off and my scar is trying to heal.

Jaco is back in the Seychelles this week and so my mom is coming to visit to spoil her first grandchild to bits I'm sure!! She cannot wait to get her hands of Milea. It will be a great help having her around and I'm looking forward to getting out and about as I still cannot drive. I'm starting to get a bit of cabin fever sitting indoors every day and the Cape Town weather lately has not been great for outings! Tomorrow we go to the clinic for the second time to weigh her and see if she's growing. Everyone tells me that she's changing by the day, but of course I don't notice it as much. I look at her through love-tainted eyes only!

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