Monday, November 7, 2011

Sitting, Sucking Toes and Supper Times

My baby is growing up so fast! Her achievements in the last month probably equal to more than that which any adult would accomplish in one year! Firstly, she has learnt to sit on her own with the occasional toppling over – although I believe some adults still have the same problem! She has also started eating solids and so we have the joy of watching her play with food in her mouth while not knowing what to do with it. We’ve started off with runny baby porridge and it’s the funniest sight to see her pushing it out of her mouth and then Jaco scoops it back in and then she pushes it out again. She hasn’t quite worked out the swallowing part. Needless to say, even though she’s on solids, she is not sleeping through the night and is still waking up once a night. We also tried butternut tonight for the first time and I think she thought it was porridge cos she pushed her mouth excitedly towards the spoon to get it into her mouth, only to find out after the 3rd spoonful that it wasn't quite the porridge she was used to. I promptly had to give up feeding her after she refused anymore.

I have been back at work for over a month now and am enjoying it thoroughly. I’m involved in a lot more high level, strategic projects and have an assistant to deal with all the daily administration. She is fantastic – almost like a mini-me! A perfectionist, hard worker and very diligent! She was the best find ever! She really takes away all the stress of the job and allows me to leave at 1pm on the dot every day. But don’t think I’ve got an easy life, ok maybe a nice life. Because from work, I rush home, jump into some cycling, running or swimming stuff and off I go training for an hour and a half! My nanny works until just after 3pm so I have time in the afternoons to myself. Its been awesome to cycle around the coast on beautiful sunny afternoons, run along the Sea Point Promenade watching the waves or take a nice, long (60 length!!) swim at the pool in the gym! I really do have a wonderful life.

My nanny, Constance, has also been the best find ever. She is so gentle with Milea and I love listening to the long conversations they have with each other all day. She really treats Milli like a little person and it seems they enjoy each other's company alot. I love coming home to find Milea give me the biggest smile ever when I walk in the door. Its great that Constance has 3 kids of her own ranging from 18years to 1 and a half years old so she's been through it all and normally gives me advice on what to do. So I'm really confident and happy to leave Milli with her as she knows more than me!

Last weekend I completed my first Triathlon in preparation for the 70.3 half iron man in East London which I've entered for next January 2012. I totally underestimated how hard it was going to be and believed I was a lot fitter! So I have alot more training to do, but its great to have a goal and something to work towards. I've never swam in a wetsuit before so that was new to me. The cycle was flat and windy and you're not allowed to slipstream so its hard work all the time. And I'm definitely not a runner so the 12 kilometers through the vineyards out in Rawsonville was agony for me! But I finished in 3 hours 51 mins and came 40th woman out of 63. Not too bad for a first attempt! It was awesome to have Jaco and Milli cheer me on and encourage me from the sidelines! I also had my best friend, Ange, down from Jo'burg to do it with me, so I got lots of helpful tips and advice.

We spent a few days away in the Pilansberg with my family recently who have timeshare up there. It was awesome to have all the aunties and uncles spending time with Milli - babysitters on tap so mom and dad could rest. We saw lots of awesome game and it was quite funny trying to get Milea to look out the windows at all the animals. She was just interested in her plastic Giraffe called Sophie!

Her newest party trick is to bring her foot up to her mouth, while she's lying on her back and suck her big tow! I cannot believe how supple she is! Probably turn into a gymnast or something. I'm not sure her toe tastes like her thumb but she seems to like it. It cracks me up every time! She now weighs 7 kilograms and mom feels every bit of it while lugging her car seat to and from the car every day. So I'm getting a nice arm workout at the same time.

Some other highlights of this last month include a very special day indeed - being surrounded by special family and friends witnessing us, as parents, dedicating Milea to the Lord! She looked just like a princess in her Christening gown - actually like a cute puffy marshmellow ;-)