Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cronjes are nesting

27 weeks today and counting down! The nesting bug has settled itself nicely into the Cronje household and seen us moving bedrooms so that BC can have the warmer, quieter spot in the flat, buying carpets for the lounge so she can play on something softer than wooden flooring, putting the dining room table into storage and replacing it with bar counter stools to make more space in the flat for prams, building of shelves to create more space and of course hunting for baby furniture to turn her room into a palace fit for a princess! So much to organise and so little time! It seems as if our lives have already been turned upside down! But it makes me even more excited to meet the little madame as she is kicking and moving around more than ever. Her favourite time of the day is when mommy is eating - I think she is going to be a hassle-free eater!

I’m noticing all sorts of changes with my body. It almost feels like I’m stretching out of my skin. Its very hard to touch my toes and even leaning over to reach the handlebars when I’m cycling is a little uncomfortable. My tummy is growing steadily but thankfully my belly button has yet to pop out of its hole which I’ve always disliked about pregnant women! Hopefully mine will stay neatly tucked inside and not make a guest appearance! And my organs are finding it a tight squeeze in there as she fills my belly and eating big meals these days just cannot happen due to the shrinking, or squashing should I say, of my stomach! I’m also having my first experience of heartburn which is not pleasant. Even though I’ve stocked up on Gaviscon, I just haven’t psyched myself up to take any yet – I hate taking any kind of medicine and usually just prefer to suffer through it all. This bodes well for when I go into labour….. Another symptom of pregnancy is my sore and stiff hips. I used to look forward to bedtime as I’m usually dead to the world at night, but with my hip bones opening up and moving around, I wake up feeling like I’ve just camped all weekend on a hard, rocky ground! And Jaco would only be able to get me to go camping if a papsak of wine had been included in the groceries so that I end up not caring where or how I sleep – but obviously that is not happening these days…

Take a look at this cool demonstration of just how us women seem to make space for babies in our bodies! Amazing stuff!

Chicago Exhibition

So we have started antenatal classes and have found them to be very informative and open with all sorts of questions being asked by both moms and dads. This has helped me to start visualising how the big day is going to take place when BC makes her entrance into this world. Most importantly, Jaco now knows what his responsibilities are – to massage me all over at any sign of pain and to encourage me when I want to give up besause its too sore. I’m really hoping to have a natural birth and to try and not have an epidural…..but that’s big mouth talking now and we’ll have to see how it goes at the time. I figured that if I can ride to JHB on a tandem with little training, then I can give birth to a baby without any painkillers. Same same, but different as they’d say in the East ;-)

Check out the cool 4d scan of BC’s face and her little hand waving hello.

I’m very excited for this weekend as my bestest friend, Angie and my mom are organising me a babyshower up in JHB. I’ll get to see all my friends one last time...hopefully only for about the next 6 months! Things just don’t seem to be slowing down for us as Jaco jets off to Nigeria this week for a work project before meeting me up in JHB for the weekend and then he’s off to the Seychelles again. Apparently he calls it work, I'm not allowed to go, mmmhhhh. I suppose someone’s gotta earn the bucks! I’m just trying to learn to slow down and take it easy……trying….