Monday, October 5, 2009

Birthday Time!

Wow, how time flies the older you get! This year my birthday completely crept up on me unexpectedly. I think I'm just so focused on getting through this year that I didn't really think about turning another year older (by the way, I'm still 29 and will be for the next 4 years until Jaco turns 30!). So I woke up yesterday just like any other day and we decided to go for a tandem ride round Cape Point. The weather was misty and cloudy in the city but out by the Point, it was sunny and glorious. It was so fantastic to be outside and doing our favourite thing: cycling! After 120kms we thought it was enough for one day and had to take a nap before getting all dressed up for High Tea at the 12 Apostles Hotel!

It was really great sipping tea and coffee and politely stuffing our faces with lots of yummy goodies with 16 of my friends. We tried to make the effort to all dress up (well at least I got in the mood - don't you love the hat!)and we spent a wonderful 5 hours chatting and eating and eating and chatting. I was really spoilt with the most wonderful gifts including a mosaic course (I'm going to learn how to mosaic in 2 weeks time!), gift vouchers, stacks of beautiful flowers, clothes, a beach bag and cutesy pyjamas. Thanks to everyone also for all my SMS's and facebook messages. You really made my day!